Jumat, 02 Oktober 2015


No.1 . Arrange the following sentences to make a good   paragraph
1. Nature’s recycling program for water is called the water cycle.
2. Rain or snow eventually finds their way back to the ocean.
3. Water falls from the air as rain or snow.
4. Water goes from the ocean, lakes, and rivers into the air.
5. One of the things nature recycles is water.
6. Did you know that nature recycles too?
7. Maybe you recycle cans, glass, and paper.
A. 7-6-5-4-3-2-1         B. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
C. 5-6-3-4-7-1-2        D. 2-1-4-3-6-7-5   E. 7-5-4-6-3-2-1
No.2. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph
1.The result  is a geyser
2.A geyser is The result of underground water under the combined conditions of high temperature
3.Because of the greater pressure, it shoot out of the surface in the form of steam and hot water
4.It increased pressure beneath the surface of the earth
5.Since temperature rises about 1 F for every sixty feet under the earth surface, and presure increases with depth, water that seeps down in crack and fissures until it reaches hot rocks in the earth’s interior becomes heated to temperature in excess of 290 F.
A.2-3-5-1-4                B.1-4-5-3-2            C 1-2-5-4-3   
D. 2-4-3-5-1             E. 2-4-5-3-1

No 3 Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph
1.They crawl and eat bits of the leaf.
2.When it is about 15 weeks old, the female butterfly finds a place to lay her eggs and the life cycle begins again.
3.Inside this hard cover, it develops into its final shape.
4.As the caterpillar grows it loses one skin after two weeks and another after five weeks
5.The life of a butterfly begins when the mother butterfly lays her eggs on a leaf.                                                                        
6.After four weeks, the butterfly comes out of the cocoon and flies away.
7After four days, the eggs hatch and out come a lot of      caterpillars.
8.When it is seven weeks old, it has eaten enough and the caterpillar grows a special cover for itself, called a cocoon.
A. 5-7-1-4-8-3-6-2                  B. 5-8-6-1-4-3-7-2
C. 5-2-1-6-8-3-4-7                  D. 5-7-8-3-1-4-6-2
E. 5-7-1-3-6-4-8-2

No.4 Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph
1.Behind them they left the craters, plains,  and tall mountains of the moon.
2. And they left footprints that may last  forever.
3. They left the machines they had set up.
4. Then they began the long trip back to the earth.
5. Next day the landing-craft rockets roared  as the two men blasted off from the moon.
6. They joined Michael Collins in the space ship that waited for them above the moon.

A. 5-6-3-1-2-4          B. 5-3-6-2-4-1      C. 5-1-6-3-2-4 
D. 5-6-3-4-2-1         E. 5-6-4-1-2-3

No.5. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph
1.The quake measured 6.3 magnitude.
2.It came just minutes after a warning had been given by scientists.
3.The region of Qasvia, western Iran, was hit by a huge earthquake yesterday.
4.The short notice gave local people little or no time to escape to an area of safety.
A.3-2-1-4  B.4-1-2-3     C. 3-2-1-4     D 3-1-2-4   E. 2-3-1-4

No. 6. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph
1.This way, before you meet someone,
2.In 2050 everyone in the world will have a personal web page with their information on it.
3.You can check out his or her web page to learn about the person.
4.These web pages will use the five senses: sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing.
A. 2-4-3-1   B. 1-3-4-2      C. 2-4-1-3      D. 1-3-2-4   E. 2-3-4-1

No.7.Arrange the following jumbled sentences into a paragraph. 
1. I don’t have to spend time picking out my clothes every morning.
2. There are many reasons why I like wearing a uniform to school.
3. Wearing a uniform also saves money.
4. First of all, it saves time.
5. It is cheaper to purchase a few uniforms than to go out and buy lots of schoolclothes.
6. Most importantly, wearing a school uniform gives me a sense that I belong.
7. In addition, I don’t have the pressure of keeping up with the latest styles.
8. I really think it adds to the feeling of school spirit and community.
9. So, why should we be uncomfortable wearing it?

A. 2-4-1-5-3-8-6-7-9        D. 2-1-4-3-5-8-6-7-9
B. 2-4-1-3-5-6-8-7-9        E. 2-4-1-5-3-9-8-6-7

No 8. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph
     1.They stay very clean and they do not make the house dirty.
      2.Finally, cats are easier to take care of.
      3.Cats are cleaner, first of all.
       4.But cats are nicer pets in some ways.
       5.Second, cats are quieter than dogs.
       6.Third, cats are safer.
7.They usually do not make a lot of noise.
8.Dogs sometimes bite people, but cats almost  never do.
9.You do not have to spend much time with a cat.
10.Cats and dogs are both popular pets.
      A. 10-4-3-1-5-7-2-9-6-8       B. 10-4-5-7-3-1-6-8-2-9
      C. 10-4-3-1-5-7-6-8-2-9       D. 10-4-6-8-2-9-3-1-5-7

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