Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Soal Remidi Functional text

Functional Text:
Text 1 :

Magenta garden the only one Exclusive Spa in Solo (Ladies only Spa). Now, we come to your city!
House of health and beauty for you. You will be feeling like doing Spa at home.
Treatments: Ear Candle, Face Spa, Warm Stone massage, Spa Manicure-Pedicure, etc.
Disc 50% for member! Open daily : 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Puri Indah 18 Solo Phone : 0271- 7552317.

1.      What is the advertisement about?
2.      What kind of Spa is it?
3.      What kinds of treatment exist in the ad?
4.       For whom is the 50% discount given?
5.       Can Rina come there on Saturday night at 7 ?  Why?
6.       What is the purpose of the advertisement?

Text 2 :
To : All students of SMA Gemilang Biak.

In the framework of National Education Day the student Organization will hold some interesting programs. They are English Speech Contest, Debate, and Class Wall Magazine Competition.
The program will be held on May 2nd 2011, started from 8 am until 1 p.m.
All classes must take part in the programs.
For detailed information, please contact Mr.Andi , the coordinator of this program.

  1. What is the announcement talking about ?
  2. To whom the announcement written for ?
  3. Mention the interesting programs according to the text?
  4. When will the program be held?
11.   What programs that students can do individually?
  1. Who is the committee of that programs?
  2. What is the purpose of the text?
  3. What is the synonim of the word “take part “?
  4. Who is Mr. Andi ?


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